About Danske Shoppingcentre
The DSC portfolio contains some of the largest and best-located centres in the country and counts a total area of approx. 830,000 m2 and a total of approx. 1,100 retail leases. With 72 million customers, Danske Shoppingcentre is the largest player in the Danish shopping centre industry. The company’s goal is to continue to own and develop the 16 best centres in Denmark with over 250 driven DSC employees.
DSC is owned by ATP Ejendomme and Danica Ejendomme. Read more on this page about our board, management and ownership.

Facts about Danske Shoppingcentre
Danske Shoppingcentre is owned by ATP Ejendomme and Danica Ejendomme. The company was founded in early 2018 and consists of a board of directors with representatives from both owner companies and a CEO.
Board of Directors
Carsten Nygaard Knudsen - Chair
André Scharf
Michael Nielsen
Martin Vang Hansen
Peter Mering
Jørgen Nielsen
Christian Birk
Jesper Faurholdt

A strong partnership
ATP Ejendomme and Danica Ejendomme
in historical joint venture

Danica Ejendomme
Danica Ejendomme is a subsidiary of Danica Pension and its purpose is to invest pension funds in real estate. Danica Pension has more than 800,000 customers, making it one of Denmark’s largest pension companies. The company offers pensions as well as life and health insurance with pension assets totalling DKK 450 billion per year.
Danica Pension is part of the Danske Bank Group and employs approx. 900 people in Denmark.
ATP Ejendomme
As a subsidiary of ATP, ATP Ejendomme is created to generate return for the Danes. We are aware of our social responsibility - our business must not only add value to the Danes' pension savings, it must also strive to contribute positively to society as a whole.
We own, operate and develop some of the most attractive properties in Denmark, and we know that it takes more than just brick and mortar and location to create space for businesses, ideas and people to flourish. That's why we make our competences available to our customers in one coherent solution - they get the full package, while we take full responsibility.